Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ch6 - While Father is Away

Father was my only protection from mother. When father was around, mother didn't beat me as harsh as she did when he wasn't around. Days came where mother and father suddenly started arguing more often. The result of that was father not coming home. He told me that he was sorry for putting me through all of this alone. The day father left, all I could do is cry. When father was away, mother would play her 'games' with me. Her games were rough, and at the end she always won.


  1. David,
    Your father is not gonna save you now. He's rather get drunk than be with you. You're stuck with me forever.

  2. Dear David,
    I am sorry that I couldn't be there for you.
    Your mom won't let me.
    Things will get better David.
    Love Grandma
